While the Presidential Fold has a simple elegance to it, sometimes a man wants to add a bit more pizzazz to his look. One step up in complexity is the Triangle, or One-Point fold. A little fancier in appearance without being too much more elaborate in execution, this is a good choice for a night out, a visit to a house of worship, or any occasion where you want to put on just a little more style.

Here's how you do it:


1) open out the pocket square

2) Fold it in half lengthwise


3) Fold the bottom up to the top


4) Turning the folded square so it is on one corner like a diamond with the open edges at the top, fold the left corner in to the middle.


5) Fold the right corner in to overlap the left corner


6) Fold the bottom corner up behind the square, and slide into pocket.


Want to really get your sophistication on? Coming up next: The Four-Point


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