Fall Frenzy Sale

As the weather cools off, our sales are just getting hotter!

EVERYTHING in the store is on sale!


Every Men's Suit on Sale


What's your style? Executive? Fashion? Modern Fit? Whatever your style, it's on sale for one week only!


All Sport Coats on Sale


Blazers, leather sport coats, velvet sport coats, they are all on sale.

Sale prices start at $50.15.


Save on Dress Shirts and Silversilk Sweaters


Casual wear or work attire, we have you covered during our Fall Frenzy Sale.


Outerwear? Yes, it's on Sale!


The best time to get a coat is before the cold weather hits. Don't find yourself out in the cold. Choose from any length car coats, maxi coats, trench coats or even cashmere.


Follow us on our social media networks to keep up with our specials!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ClothingConnectionOnline

Twitter: https://twitter.com/CCOMenswear

Google+: https://plus.google.com/116731207348945205282/posts

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