Antonio Cerrelli Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Stylish Comfort

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Product Description

Antonio Cerrelli by Roberto Chillini Men's Fashion Dress Shoes present a classic staple in a business man's wardrobe. This show makes a classic statement of old school fashion with a minimalist look. The lace-up dress shoe comes with perforations around the upper foot to keep the shoe breathable year-round. 

Antonio Cerrelli by Roberto Chillini

Fashion Dress Shoe

Cushioned Inside

Hard Sole

Made from Man Made Materials

Standard Width (D)


Antonio Cerrelli Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Stylish Comfort
Antonio Cerrelli Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Stylish Comfort Antonio Cerrelli Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Stylish Comfort Antonio Cerrelli Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Stylish Comfort Antonio Cerrelli Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Stylish Comfort Antonio Cerrelli Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Stylish Comfort
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