CCO Men's Fashion Casual Shoe - Sneaker Look

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Product Description

Brookln 718 by Roberto Chillini Men's fashion casual shoe. This fashion forward Brooklyn 718 branded shoe comes with a sneaker look, with a breathable cloth top and lace up closure. The shoes have a two tone design and a white accented sole to round the entire look together. Pair this with your favorite walking suit and hat for a fantastic look!

Brooklyn 718 by Roberto Chillini

Stylish and Breathable

Cloth Top

Cushioned Inside

Cushioned Sole

Made from Man Made Materials

Standard Width (D)


CCO Men's Fashion Casual Shoe - Sneaker Look
CCO Men's Fashion Casual Shoe - Sneaker Look CCO Men's Fashion Casual Shoe - Sneaker Look CCO Men's Fashion Casual Shoe - Sneaker Look CCO Men's Fashion Casual Shoe - Sneaker Look
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