After Midnight Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Vibrant Spikes

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Product Description

This After Midnight brings a fashion shoe in soft velvet material with a gradient jewel pattern across the top of the shoe. This is a very vibrant shoe and should be worn as the start of the look. The shoes are a slip on loafer. This shoe is a light wear and would be a perfect match to many suits, tuxes, and walking suits.

After Midnight Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Vibrant Spikes

Fashion Dress Shoe


Gradient Spikes

Cushioned Inside

Stylish Band

Hard Sole

Made from man made materials and come in standard width (D).

After Midnight Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Vibrant Spikes
After Midnight Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Vibrant Spikes After Midnight Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Vibrant Spikes After Midnight Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Vibrant Spikes After Midnight Men's Fashion Dress Shoe - Vibrant Spikes
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